Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Project Forgive

Why ?
I sometimes get ticked off by the littlest things
I also have some people in my life that I find hard to forgive
I know I should, but I just wouldn't
Then there are those who have suffered so much, but they forgive those who hurt them
If they can, why can't I forgive others ?
So Now, I've decided, I want to forgive

We need to Let go and Forgive and Never be Angry again
If you're not doing it for them, Do it for yourself, Do it for your Health
and Do it for God, because it's the right thing to do, it's what your heart tells you to do
So Forgive others and also Learn to Forgive yourselves
Another thing is,
If you're ready to forgive others, then you're ready to ask for Forgiveness from others.
Throw away your pride and Apologize
Learn to say sorry and mean it
It's going to make your Life a whole lot better :)
It's going to life that heavy burden in your chest
You're going to feel Light and Free and Happy :)

There's no perfect "How" in forgiving
You just want to forgive and you forgive, do it in your own way, in your own pace.

If you can't do it now,
Just know that by knowing that you want to forgive is the first step
it's a process and you're on the right track
Ask God for the strength and the will to forgive

Take it one step at a time
and Forgive :)

More updates on the "Project Forgive" Blog