Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Make your Parents Proud and Happy

Why ?
I have such great parents and I've received so much in life.
I've had everything I've ever wanted without being spoiled.
As time passes, they have more and more gray hair and I can see that they're getting older by the day
but I haven't really made my parents proud of me
I've had little triumphs, but those are so minor compared to what they've given me.
They let me choose my own path without ever giving me any burden
and even though I haven't accomplished much in life, they never tell me that I'm a failure, ever.
They have faith in me and they support everything I do.
and I thank them so much and I love them and I want to make them proud of me.
I just don't think I've ever made them really really proud of me.
Proud like "my daughter wins the Nobel peace prize" proud, that kind of thing ;p
and I want to be able to take them on a trip to Europe :)

I'm going to be a better person,
I'm going to be a motivated person
I'm going to accomplish in life
I'm going to still be me and live my dream,
but I have another goal, that is to make my parents proud of me.
I want it more than anything
So, we'll see how far this will go :)

Read more on the "Make your Parents Proud and Happy" Blog

and guys.....
Make your parents proud of you
Make them happy
They deserve it
It's time :)